2 min

Creating Digital Wellness in the Classical Music Industry

Updated: Jun 12, 2023

I had a chance to sit down with Brianne Borden, Claire Howard, and Amelia Rosenberger, the founders of Yoga for All Musicians to talk about how we can better navigate living in a digital world as business owners, teachers, and students while also trying to stay present.

While I am a huge believer in having an online presence to stay connected to others, build relationships, and create new business opportunities, our time online needs to be in moderation, just like all good things!

At this point we have been in quarantine for 6 months and even though that may not seem like a long time in the grand scheme of life, 6 months with the majority of our interactions being only through video call or other various forms of technology, is unlike anything we have ever experienced before with no immediate end in sight.

Personally, I've noticed that my long distance vision has been effected as well as increasing lower back pain from sitting so much. What am I, 25 going on 80? Even with taking more yoga classes with YAM (which I love, by the way!) it is still so difficult to sit through a full day of Zoom meetings. While I am incredibly lucky to be able to have total control of what my day looks like, this isn't the case for students, teachers, and those in 9-5 jobs.

So how do we balance feeling grateful for this technology while also setting boundaries so that we're still interacting with those physically around us and avoid Zoom burnout? We've answered some of those burning questions in our chat below!

Have more questions about this topic that we didn't cover in this video? Send me an email, I'd love to hear your thoughts!