What a way to end the year — save the date/engagement photos for Diana and Zach.
Fun fact, I was a Resident Assistant in college which is where I met Diana. She wound up being a resident to all of my best friends (including a year with me!) which was the greatest gift of all, but a wonderful perk was that you could always count on Diana to have freshly made cookies, the cutest decorations for every holiday Hallmark or otherwise, and to have the joy of being around such a very warm and sweet soul.
I remember her telling me about Zach where they met through a summer job and to fast forward to today where they’re engaged and taking amazing trips together warms my heart so much.
It was so special to take these photos for them at Bear Mountain even in the brisk winter weather, but they persevered and had many belly laughs throughout the way! A big thank you to Diana’s sister Emily for being my assistant and carrying the coats between shots so they didn’t have to freeze for too long!
Congrats D & Z, I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to see the beautiful life you’re going to have together!
Diana and Zach | Bear Mountain, NY | 12. 27. 2024

Hudson Valley couples: if you recently got engaged or are simply looking to update the photos of you as a couple, fill out my contact form and let's chat! Click here to get started!